Contract for Watson Lord & Watson Patron-membership

This Contract is between people, first the Steward, host and sole proprietor of Watson Lord  & Watson the man Guy Te Watson a living soul, hereinafter reference to Guy Te Watson also being host, his, he or him,  herein, and between one of the people of the United States of America – North American continent – needing help, hereinafter reference to the people being also I, he or she, The Patron-member, Patron-member, him or her, he or she, they, them, patron and you, herein for this Contract. Watson Lord and Watson is a non-attorney First Amendment Christian business establishment in the nature of, and containing, a Peoples Advocacy Fellowship Group, and providing Ekklesia Next Friend, Private Attorney General, and/or Jailhouse Lawyer type help.

The Patron-member agrees that concerning this contract this is a (simple) non-statutory contract between people.

The patron-member understands and agrees that should he or she start working with the host related to this site he or she is become a patron-worker with the host in regards to this contract and as well as a patron-member within the provisions of this contract.

The Patron-member consents, understands, and agrees with the Host and all those in relation to bringing him or her help relating to any and all matters covered on the website including but not limited to: law, government, health, Christianity, religions, money, travel, debt, foreclosure, business, photography, science, telecommuting, et al., and any other matters covered or related to this website,  the Host and patron-members or patron-workers are engaging in freedom of speech and to assemble.

The Patron-member consents, understands, and agrees to all of the following with the Host, and with all those patron-workers that work directly with the Host or those patron-workers that work through third parties to help the Host help the Patron-member.

The Patron-member and the Host and patron-worker  are exercising the rights people have to associate and communicate their own ideas and feeling on any matter with other people; and the following Maxims of Law apply:

“Consent makes the law. A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent.”
“Consent makes the law: the terms of a contract, lawful in its purpose, constitute the law as between the parties.”
“The agreement of the parties makes the law of the contract.”
“The contract makes the law.”
“Agreements give the law to the contract.”
“The agreement of the parties overcomes or prevails against the law.”
“Agreement takes the place of the law: the express understanding of parties supersedes such  understanding as the law would imply.”
“Manner and agreement overrule the law.”

The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees the Host and The Host’s patron-workers – hereinafter called patron-workers – are without the intentional or the un-intentional sharing or giving of legal advice to me the Patron-member i.e., what is said to be legal advice concerning the laws and processes relating to a matter at law under regulation or advice on any other topics under regulations.

The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers that the information shared with the Patron-member is shared with the intent to be from the exercise of the peoples freedom of speech and/or a spiritual point of view concerning the law and related issues concerning the Patron-member’s matters, including but not limited to matters at/in law or health or any other matters.

The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers that the information given the Patron-member i.e. anything and everything said or written by the Host or patron-workers is done so from the “If it were me I would….” point of view.

The Patron-member consents, understands, and agrees with the Host and patron-workers that anything they or others are construing or misconstruing as advice is within the principles of the Maxim of Law which says, “No man is bound for the advice he gives.”

The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers the agreement herein, and all provisions thereof, is the only agreement between the Host, including all those that are the Hosts patron-workers, without exception unless the Host agrees to exception by autographing  a written agreement and where the Host later gives intentional verbal verification three  times the autograph is his and is there written with the intention of making exception to  one or more of the provisions herein in this agreement.

The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers the they are becoming a patron-member of the that provides various types of help and that the membership status of is a non-corporate non-technical membership status after the Biblical kind where  Paul the Apostle says of the body of Christ: “(Romans 12:5)  So we, being many, are one body  in Christ, and every one members one of another.

(1 Corinthians 6:15)  Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then  take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
(1 Corinthians 12:12)  For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of  that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ.
(1 Corinthians 12:18)  But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it  hath pleased him.
(1 Corinthians 12:20)  But now are they many members, yet but one body.
(1 Corinthians 12:22)  Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more  feeble, are necessary:
(1 Corinthians 12:23)  And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable,  upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abundant  comeliness.
(1 Corinthians 12:25)  That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members  should have the same care one for another.
(1 Corinthians 12:26)  And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one  member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.
(1 Corinthians 12:27)  Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.”

Membership is a non-corporate membership as the Holy Bible Authorized King James version speaks about people in the Body of Christ being members one with another in His body.
The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers the Host is sole proprietor of Watson Lord and Watson holding, Guy Te Watson being in possession of the sole proprietorship. The Patron-member understands Guy Te Watson is a living soul, one of the people and a sole proprietary, without being a corporation or accommodation, or trust, or statutory or fictional collective entity of any kind, without prejudice, retaining all rights Creator-God vests in him.
The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers any and all disputes that arise from the Host’s or a patron-workers actions or of from using information given such disputes will undergo settlement by Christian Arbitration through a Christian arbitrator, all parties/people agreeing to the arbitrator, without exception.  The law of this agreement is first the laws and principles of the “Word of God” found in the Holy Bible, the King James Authorize Version which is judicial and in acceptance for being part of the Common Law in the great state of New York on the North America continent, and second the laws of New York State of original jurisdiction.

The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers any and all disputes that arise from a patron-workers actions or words or from using information given or buying goods and trades or labor through a patron-worker, such disputes or discussion will undergo settlement by Christian Arbitration through a Christian arbitrator the Host being the arbitrator and Steward with jurisdiction to decide all such disputes or to appoint another to decide.

The Patron-member consents, understands, and agrees with the Host and patron-workers, membership grants no rights of ownership or possession of the website or name or the contents thereof now ownership or possession of any other website owned by the Host or the contents thereof. Such and any patron-memberships offered are limited to rights to view and gain knowledge from the contents provided to the patron-member in the website or from the research done and content or paperwork drafted or any information in any format and given to the patron-member or other goods and trade labor provided to the patron-member by the Host or a patron-worker.

The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers that all the information and documents the patron-member provides if any from time to time to the Host and patron-workers is true and correct to the best of the Patron-member’s knowledge and without out intent to deceive the Host or anyone else for any reason. In addition, the Patron-member agrees to hold harmless the Host, and patron-workers from any and all claims, problems, issues and harm due to, relating to, or because of the giving of false information and the Patron-member consents and agrees to take full responsibility and liability for giving false and/or misleading  information to the Host and patron-workers.

The host, the patron-members and patron-worker all agree to operate in good faith to help others. Further,  patron-members and patron-workers agree and understand that problems or issues or damages or losses or the like or similar may occur due to technical difficulties and issues or due to Acts of God, and any and all patron-members and  patron-workers agree that the host or other workers or patrons are held harmless in the event of such problems or issues  or damages or losses or the like or similar as also the host and other patron-members or patron-workers are held  harmless for all other sources of problems or issues or damages or losses or the like or similar related to the viewing  or use of this site or related sites or the use of any information or content thereon  or therein.
The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers that all the information, research, documents and other goods and trade or craft labor the Host and patron-workers provide to the Patron-member is from a good faith effort to be true and correct and accurate to the best of the Host’s and patron-worker’s knowledge and without out intent to harm the Patron-member in any way. The Patron-member agrees to hold harmless the Host, and patron-workers from any and all claims, problems, issues and harm the arise due to, or relating to, or because of any information, research, documents or any other goods and trade or craft labor provided by the Host and patron-workers.

The Patron-member consents, understands, and agrees with the Host and patron-workers to enter into with contract without intent to entrap, discredit, disgrace, deceive or bring any kind of harm or misfortune to the Host and patron-workers.

The Patron-member consents, understands, and agrees with the Host and patron-workers no one can or should guarantee the success of any litigation or negotiations, or remedies, or the use of any information on this website or related sites, because no one can guarantee the actions and behavior and decisions of all the parties involved. Guy Te Watson and the patron-workers will make a good faith effort to help the Patron-member, but there is no guarantee of success with any action or success in the final outcome or anything else; there is no money back, all sales are final because there is still the hours and days of work involved over weeks and months that was done to help you the Patron-member with research and investigating issues.

The Patron-member consents, understands, and agrees with the Host and patron-workers that any and all research done, documents drafted and information given, content and resources provided in any form or actions taken are in an effort to help the Patron-member. Should the Patron-member decide to learn and then take his or her own counsel and uses any information provided on the website he or she takes full responsibility for every action, and all documents or any and all information they use, and all results.  The patron member agrees in the final analysis he or she is taking his or her own counsel when taking any actions whether he or she viewed or heard related content on the website or not.

The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers without exception to hold harmless the Host and patron-workers from any and all claims,  problems, issues, misunderstanding, mistakes and harm they may feel or prove they suffer from the Host or patron-workers action or information goods or trade or craft labor provided or given the Patron-member by the Host or patron-workers or they suffer by using information or any goods or trade or craft labor elsewhere because of contacts they made through the Host or patron-workers that they claim brings them harm in any way. The Patron-member consents, and understands and agrees that all of the Host and patron-workers action and information are given through a good faith effort to help and support; and Patron-member accepts this help without recourse to the Host and without recourse to the patron-workers.

The current FRNs or FRENs USD dollar bills are not lawful gold or silver coin money which is the only  money considered lawful in the original Constitution for the United States of America, so  the current money in gereral circulation is without recognition as a lawful money by the  Original Constitutions. Article. I., Section. 10. “No State shall enter into any Treaty,  Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of  Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill  of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any  Title of Nobility.”

In the United States of America after the Original state and federal constitutions which do recognize unalienable rights, men put in place constitutions and statutes that do not fully recognize God Given Unalienable Rights that cannot be taken away by men but can only be  taken away by God since men did not give the rights but God gave the rights. The Maxim of  Law is, “Whose right it is to institute, his right it is to abrogate.”

Considering that the use of the current “federal reserve notes” (FERNs for short) may be construed as a  step towards, or full, agreement to accepting mere benefit privileges granted by men through  their constitutions and statutes that they have created and put in place not recognizing  God Given Unalienable Rights but recognizing only man given benefits privileges which can be  taken away by men, therefore, the Host denies willing participation in the use of FRNs/FERNs USD dollar  bills. The Maxims of Law are; “Favors from government often carry with them an enhanced measure of regulation;” “Any one may renounce a law introduced for his own benefit;” “No one is obliged to accept a benefit against his consent;” “A privilege is, as it were, a private law.”

The use of these substandard de facto dollars is by mere submission without consent because the Host finds no viable alternative of lawful coin money in general circulation. The Maxim of Law is, “Every consent involves a submission; but a mere submission does not necessarily involve consent.” Also, the Host has found it impossible to find lawful coin money put out in general circulation by the government for the public to use, and therefore, the Host cannot use lawful coin gold or silver money put out by the state governments for general use in buying and selling and tender in payment of debts to his knowledge. The Maxim of Law is, “The law compels no one to do anything which is useless or impossible.”

Therefore, the patron Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers that he or she and the Host do not waive or surrender their unalienable rights by the use of the current federal reserve note (FRNS/FERNs) dollar bills, nor does anyone participating in this contract give up their rights by the use of FERNs and/or related credit and debt instruments/transactions. All involved in this contract agree and consent to retain their God Given Unalienable Rights which cannot be taken away by men and agree to not waive or surrender these Rights with regards to this contract without exception.

The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host concerning the value and cost of the goods and trade or craft labor charged as a result of or related to this agreement. The Host of the website retains his God-Given constitutional recognizable rights to money of inherent value, which in the United states of America of original jurisdiction is silver coin by lawful weight or gold coin both minting by the states. Since their is no  such lawful money in general circulation and the states are in violation of this constitutional requirement and the Host knows of no viable alternative whereby he can trade his labor for money of constitutional lawful value, therefore the current federal reserve  note “debt instrument” dollars, a.k.a. US dollars, by mere submission without consent he does accept in settlement “Without Prejudice,” and he uses the same for making payments and  awards, “Without Prejudice,” and without waiving his right to pay or receive payment in gold  or silver coin per the Constitutional mandate of the Constitutions for the United States of  America of original jurisdiction. Although it is not fair and just to the current people of  the United states of America to have  money in general circulation that is 20 to 30 times or more less in value than silver coin of lawful weight at the time of the writing of the  Constitution of the United States of original jurisdiction, yet the current “debt instrument”  federal reserve note dollars, a.k.a. US dollars in general circulation are in use in this agreement and contract of bill of sale for settlement in trading or paying money for labor due to the principles of equal protection under the laws and the common law maxims of law on impossibility, including  but not limited to:

“What is good and equal, is the law of laws.”
“Unequal things ought not to be joined.” [2 Corinthians 6:14]
“The law requires nothing impossible.”
“The law compels no one to do anything which is useless or impossible.”
“No one is bound to do what is impossible.”
“Impossibility excuses the law.”
“Many men know many things, no one knows everything.”
“He is clear of blame who knows, but cannot prevent.”

To the Host’s knowledge it is impossible for the Host to keep things equal without using the instruments that are currently in general circulation, nor is it possible for all people to pay lawful money on this contract-agreement at this moment in time to the Host’s knowledge.

Therefore to the Host knowledge since constitutional coin money of gold or silver is not in general circulation but only private FRNs (Federal Resever Notes) money is being used, the Host still retains and all parties retain full God-Given rights, and use the FRN dollars without prejudice to their rights because there is no viable alternative to the Hosts or parties’ knowledge that can be used fairly to buy an sell within this circumstance.

The Patron-member consents, understands and agrees with the Host and patron-workers that “Watson Lord & Watson” and is a Christian establishment within the First Amendment provision, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Contract for Bill of Sale:
This contract of bill of sale is entered into by the man, Guy Te Watson, hereinafter Host, and the Patron-member, one of the people of the United States of America, whether man or woman, hereinafter also called “people,” making payment for patron-membership into the Watson Lord and Watson’s – Guy Te Watson’s – and/or other websites. Whereas the Host is contracting to sell to people one  non-corporate patron-membership for the sum certain of one or more coin specie dollar of silver of The  United States of America of A.D 1921 vintage along with or for other consideration,  including the current US dollars in general circulation in the United states of America. The meeting of the minds for said contract between the Host and the people, patron-member, culminates on “the day” of the peoples’, patron-member’s, act of making payment for said membership “2012 A.D.” or “other current year A.D.” upon the delivery by the people of said coin specie dollar of silver or other said consideration, i.e. US dollars, in settlement to the Host. The Host and the people  agree that the law that governs this use agreement contract and bill of sale is The Holy  Bible, King James Authorized Version and the Constitution for The United States of America  with the amendments of 1791 A.D., the Bill of Rights attached thereto and the Constitution of the people of New York of 1777 A.D. with the enumeration of the peoples rights by ratification in 1788 A.D. in union with said “The United States of America” as one of the several states thereto and the laws made in pursuance thereof and that the said law governs  the unalienable rights, privileges, immunities, liberties and duties securing thereby the Host and the people. The people agree to hold the Host harmless concerning their future use or conduct as relating to said patron-membership and the information the patron-member gains or uses. The Host and the people agree that each man or woman shall possess one original electronic or hard copy of this use agreement and contract of bill of sale. Therefore, pursuant to the foregoing “Watson Lord and Watson,, irrevocable conditions and limitations the Host hereby transfers and assigns all rights and title and corresponding duties and obligations related to the due diligence of the use of said patron-membership to the people. Said transfers and assigns is made  pursuant to the “Holy Bible” and the 9th, 2nd, and 4th Articles of Amendment of the Bill of Rights to said  Constitution for the united States of America, notwithstanding any other place, plane,  space, time or law form whatsoever, without exception.

The people consent, understand and agree with the Host that the execution of this “Watson Lord and Watson contract and Contract of Bill of Sale is a voluntary action by the Host and the  people making payment, upon the soil of the North American  Continent or any other continent on the face of the earth and on the land of the great state of New York a republic; and the execution is with the understanding that the following Maxim  of Law is in effect, “It is immaterial whether a man gives his assent by words or by acts  and deeds,” and therefore the Host’s actions to provide this “Watson Lord and Watson patron-membership and the peoples actions of registering or making payment to obtain patron-membership, or any other affirmative action in relation to receiving help is equivalent to  making and autographing this whole Contract by their own hand in their own handwriting.

The Patron-member consents, understands, and agrees with the Host and patron-workers I have sought and obtained counsel if needed to understand any provisions of this contract and affirm that I understand and agree to all the terms and conditions of this contract without exception. This contract supersedes any previous contracts in or between the people herein contracting. This contract is the full extent of the agreement and consent and assent between Guy Te Watson and the Patron-member.  This contract encompasses the heights, depths, width, length, breath, and bounds of their meeting of the minds and understanding.

The Patron-member consents, understands, and agrees with the Host that the Host acknowledges and agrees to the acceptance of this contract when providing any type of trade or craft or help or content or information for and to the Patron-member or if the Host goes without contacting the Patron-member within three days to state that the Patron-member’s contract and request for patron-membership has been denied or cancelled for any reason. In addition, the Patron-member consents, understands, and agrees with the Host that the Patron-member or Host may cancel this contract at any time for any reason.

The Patron-member consents, understands, and agrees with the Host and patron-workers that I cannot bring Guy Te Watson, Watson Lord & Watson, or any patron-workers into a dispute or an action outside of this contract.


This is a family owned business, God, Our Father which is Heaven’s Family, that is to say this is a part of God’s Ekklesia.

Further Notice: No warranty of any kind is implied or expressed. You’re also liable for your own actions with this script. If something goes wrong, it’s your fault and you get to deal with the consequences. I’m not going to pay for it. provides this site and the contents on an “as is” basis and makes no representation or warranties of any kind with respect to this site or its contents. denies any and  all such representations or warranties, including but not limited to warranties of accuracy of content or tradesmen or  women ability and fitness for a particular purpose.

The views and opinions expressed in the content on are not necessarily those of the Steward, host and owner of

Relevant Case Cites and Maxims of Law:

Private Attorney General:
Ex rel.: for the people of the united States defined:”… But it is the manner of enforcement which gives Title 42 U.S.C. 1983 its unique importance, for the enforcement is placed in the hands of the people,” Each citizen, “acts as a private attorney general who takes on the mantle of the sovereign, guarding for all of us the individual liberties enunciated in the constitution.” Section 1983 represents a balancing feature in our governmental structure where by individual citizens are encouraged to police those who are charged in policing us all.  Thus, it is of special importance that suits brought under the statute be resolved by a determination of truth. Wood v. Breier, 54 F.B.D. 7,(1972)

The Obligations of Contract:
United States Constitution, Article l, Section 10:
“No State shall ……. make any…… Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.”

The Maxims of Law are:
Consent makes the law. A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent.
Consent makes the law: the terms of a contract, lawful in its purpose, constitute the law as between the parties.
To him consenting, no injury is done.
He who consents cannot receive an injury.
Consent removes or obviates a mistake.
One who wills a thing to be or to be done cannot complain of that thing as an injury.
The agreement of the parties makes the law of the contract.
The contract makes the law.
Agreements give the law to the contract.
The agreement of the parties overcomes or prevails against the law.
Advice, unless fraudulent, does not create an obligation.
He who approves cannot reject.
Agreement takes the place of the law: the express understanding of parties supercedes such understanding as the law would imply.
Manner and agreement overrule the law.

Next Friend:
The preparation of petitions must never be considered the exclusive prerogative of the lawyer. Laymen—– should be allowed to act as “next friend” to any person in the preparation of any paper or document or claim, so long as he does not hold himself out as practicing law or as being a member of the Bar. The cooperation and help of laymen, as well as of lawyers, is necessary if the right of reasonable access to the courts is to be available to the indigent among us.  Johnson v. Avery, Commissioner of Correction, et al., 393 U.S. 483, 498.
Due process requires that a defendant be tried only if he is competent to assist in his own defense. US v. Hinton, 218 F3d 910 (8th Cir. 2000)
One inseparable aspect of the “liberty” and sovereignty is the freedom to engage in litigation in association for the advancement of a particular group or class beliefs and ideas; this is assured by the Due Process Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments:
Gitlow v. New York, 268 U.S. 652, 666
Palko v. Connecticut, 302 U.S. 319, 324
Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 U.S. 296, 303
Staub v. City of Baxley, 355 U.S. 313, 321
De Jonge v. Oregon, 299 U.S. 353, 364

Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253 (1967).
“In the United States the People are sovereign and the government cannot sever its relationship to the People by taking away their citizenship.”
MERRION ET AL., DBA MERRION & BAYLESS, ET AL. v. JICARILLA APACHE TRIBE ET AL. 1982.SCT.394 , 455 U.S. 130, 102 S. Ct. 894, 71 L. Ed. 2d 21, 50 U.S.L.W. 4169 pp. 144-148
(b) … To presume that a sovereign forever waives the right to exercise one of its powers unless it expressly reserves the right to exercise that power in a commercial agreement turns the concept of sovereignty on its head. Pp. 144-148.
Lansing v. Smith, 4 Wendell 9, 20 (1829)
“The People of a State are entitled to all rights which formerly belonged to the King by his prerogative.”
Julliard v. Greenman, 110 U.S. 421.  (1884)
Congress can exercise no power which they (the people) have not, by their Constitution entrusted to it: All else is withheld.
Yick Wo v. Hopkins & Woo Lee v. Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356. (1886)
“While sovereign powers [i.e. “ownership powers”] are delegated to agencies of the government, sovereignty itself remains with the People, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.”

One that takes care of and often is legally responsible for something (a keeper of the property).