*** Important*** Room Participation Contract Agreement and Notice and Information

You Can Click the Image of a Bell Next to the Send Button To Buzz and Get the Host / Moderator To Help You .

Or Please Click on the “Talk Now” button and speak into you microphone and request a moderator to help you.

First, Please Click on the “Settings” Button at the top of this window and allow Camera and Microphone Access and interaction with your PC system so you can participate in this room effectively. Go through all the Settings Audio / Video Tabs and set the settings/permissions and interaction level you want to allow with your system and to your liking.

This Global Conference Room is For:
Secret Solutions Expert Guide Help support
The Reluctant Prophet Help and Support
Help To Stop Foreclosure Help and Support

Again, You Can Click the Image of a Bell Next to the Send Button To Buzz and Get the Host / Moderator To Help You.

Or Please Click on the “Talk Now” button and speak into you microphone and request a moderator to help you.

Notice; This conference room is for a peaceable assembly and the discussions in this room are private and without prejudice to all the rights of all people conversing and participating. Conduct yourself accordingly.

Scroll down to the bottom of the Chat Window to  see the current conversation.

To Access the Conference Room Go To: http://www.gvolive.com/conference,27856573 and Click Here


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